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Modern Student Accommodation York

York Student Houses: Living With Good Roommates Can Elevate Your Mental Health

If you’re looking for good York student houses to stay with your friends and classmates, you’re at the right place!

You probably remember the excitement of starting your university journey, meeting new people, and making new friends. But what if one of those friends suddenly disappears from your social circle, stops attending lectures, and drops out of uni? This is not a rare scenario, unfortunately.

Many students struggle with mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or loneliness, and often feel isolated and unsupported. Sometimes, they may even hide their problems from their friends and family, pretending everything is fine.

But everything is not fine. Mental health is a serious matter that affects academic performance, personal well-being, and happiness. That’s why having good roommates can make a huge difference in your university experience.

They can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They can also help you cope with stress, motivate you to study, and encourage you to seek professional help.

In this blog, we will explore how living in York student houses with good roommates can elevate your mental health and what you can do to be a good roommate yourself.

The Importance Of World Health Day

Student mental health is as important as physical health and safety. For university students, the demands and pressures of academic life can affect their daily lives, and more importantly – they can shape the rest of their future.

World Mental Health Day, celebrated every year on October 10th, reminds us of the importance of mental well-being. Even simple actions, such as supporting friends who are struggling with mental health at university, can make a difference.

The Effects Of Friendship On Mental Health In York Student Houses

As social creatures, humans crave connection and belonging. This is especially true for students, who often navigate new environments and face many changes. Friendships, therefore, play a vital role in mental health, providing emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.

Friendships can be a lifeline in York student houses of 4, 5, or 6 bedrooms by Modern Student Accommodation York (MSAY), alleviating stress, loneliness, and fostering a sense of community. On World Mental Health Day and throughout the year, let’s remember the importance of being there for our friends, even if they are new acquaintances. Their well-being and mental health depend on it.

How To Be Supportive With Friends In York Student Houses?

It can naturally be quite intimidating when another human being requires your support. You might feel you’re not “trained” enough to help or that you might say “the wrong thing”.

Well, let us reassure you – there are no wrong and right answers. It’s not about finding an answer or solution. It’s about listening, being there, being a friend. Here’s what you can do for them when they need you.

  1. Be an active listener – Give your friends your full attention and let them know you are there to listen without judgement
  2. Be persistent in checking in –Regularly check in with your friends to see how they are doing and let them know you are there for them
  3. Offer actionable help –Be willing to offer practical help, such as helping with assignments or running errands
  4. Spend some time learning about mental health –Educate yourself about mental health so you can better understand your friend’s struggles
  5. Respect your friend’s boundaries –If your friend needs space, give them space. Don’t pressure them to talk if they are not ready
  6. Don’t dismiss your friend’s feelings –Validate your friend’s experiences and let them know that their feelings are valid
  7. Don’t pretend all is fine –Expressing concern for your friend’s well-being is okay. This can help them feel validated
  8. Create excitement –Encourage your friend to engage in activities that they enjoy, such as going for a walk or watching a movie
  9. Respect your friend’s privacy –Keep what your friend shares with you confidential
  10. Seek professional help if needed –If your friend is struggling, encourage them to seek professional help, offer to help them find a therapist or make an appointment

Is It Okay To Take A Day Off From Uni For Mental Health?

Yes, it is okay to take a day off from university for mental health reasons. In fact, it is essential for your well-being to take breaks when you feel overwhelmed or stressed. Universities are increasingly recognising the importance of mental health breaks and providing more resources and support to struggling students.

If you are considering taking a day off, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Talk to your professors or academic advisors –They may be able to offer you extensions on assignments or other accommodations to help you catch up
  • Reach out to your friends or family for support –They can offer you a listening ear and help you take care of yourself
  • Make use of your university’s mental health resources –Many universities have counselling centres, support groups, and other resources available to students

Taking a day off for mental health is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of self-awareness and self-care. By taking care of your mental health, you will be better able to succeed academically and personally.

Find The Cosiest York Student Houses With MSAY!

Finding supportive friends at the uni and staying with them in one place would probably be the best decision for your mental health. That’s why MSAY provide premium-quality 4-bedroom, 5-bedroom and 6-bedroom apartments to accommodate all your friends in one place for the best experience.

What’s more? We care about all the expenses students face at the uni, so we include all the utility bills in our rent. This is not to bother you with separate bills and keep the rent simple.

Contact us today to book your apartment and have a virtual tour of our York student houses!