Modern Student Accommodation York

Ways To Deal With Homesickness While Staying In Student Accommodation York

Going to university is a big adventure, but it can also make you miss home a lot. It’s normal to feel homesick when you’re away from your family and buddies for a long time. A study by The National Union of Students showed that about half to most students in the UK feel homesick at some point, especially when they first start university.

While you stay at our student accommodation in York, we bring you this guide to tell you that there are ways to cope with homesickness. Let’s find out how!

Keep Your Family & Old Friends First!

First, it’s good to keep in touch with your family and friends. A call or video chat can make a big difference. Also, try to make your new place feel like home. Bring some of your favourite things from home to decorate your room.

Getting involved in activities and making new friends at university can also help. It keeps you busy and lets you have fun, which takes your mind off missing home.

Remember, it’s okay to feel homesick. It means you have people and places you love. But with time, you’ll start to feel more at home at university too. And if you ever feel too sad, talk to someone about it. There are always people ready to help you feel better.

Find Food From Your Home Cuisine

Making the dishes you love from back home is a cool trick to beat missing it. Supermarkets often have a special spot for foods from all over the world. Sharing these tastes with your roomies can be a blast and make you feel less homesick. Plus, with so many different people around, you’ll find places that serve food just like at home.

So, you get to enjoy those familiar flavours and learn how to cook—a must-have skill for college life. Imagine turning your kitchen into a little piece of home, where every spice and recipe brings back warm memories.

Have A Tour Of York

Students in York are super lucky because there’s always something fun to do. There are so many cool places to see and events happening that you can’t even go to them all! It’s not just in York.

Thanks to good trains and buses, you can easily visit nearby places without spending much. So, if you’re feeling homesick, don’t just sit around inside your student accommodation York. Get out there and see new things!

Keep Yourself Busy With Fun Activities

Staying busy is a great way to stop thinking about missing home. When you’re doing lots of things during your student accommodation in York, there’s no time to feel homesick. Doing stuff is also awesome for making new friends and can even make your resume look good. You wouldn’t want to look back and wish you hadn’t spent so much time feeling homesick.

Life gives you only one shot to try so many different things, and that’s something really special. Not everyone gets to do this. If you’re new to university, now’s the time to jump into all these chances while you’re not too busy with schoolwork.

Get Help Of Some Technology

Life at university is like a whirlwind of books, classes, and late-night study sessions. But don’t forget to hit pause and chat with the people who know you best—your family and old pals. A quick call or message can turn a blah day into a yay day!

Thanks to the magic of the internet, you can see their faces and share laughs just like they’re right there with you. Our folks didn’t have it this easy, with old-school calls costing a fortune. But we’ve got it good, so let’s not waste it. Drop a text, make a call, send a funny gif, and keep the home vibes strong, no matter how busy uni gets!

Make New Local Friends As Well!

Talking to others who understand what you’re going through can really help when you’re feeling down. Try to befriend local students too. They know the area well and can help you out. Even if it’s hard to speak their language, it’s a good chance for you to get better at English. It’s like turning a challenge into a win!

Stay Connected With Home In Our Student Accommodation In York

At Modern Student Accommodation York, we get how important it is to have a nice, calm place to stay. A room with all the simple things you need and safety stuff makes you feel safe and helps you not miss home too much. That’s why we’ve got lots of great places just for students! We want you to feel totally sure that you’re getting the best student accommodation in York. So, all our houses are well kept, regularly renovated and ready for you to live and study in peace.

If you want to see what rooms we have vacant, visit our website or call us today!

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